Looking to become a volunteer? Fill out this form to get started!
There are many ways to become involved at Northeast Iowa Peace & Justice Center. Some of the possibilities are described below. If any sound interesting, or if you’d like more information, we welcome your inquiry!
maybe add some of the information that was on the "Get Involved" page.
- Join a working group (or however it should be worded)
- Be a speaker
Think about how to add new volunteer jobs to this list - a CPT?
Current Opportunities
Volunteer as Front Desk Staff
Are you a people person? Are you comfortable with computers? Are you comfortable with answering the telephone?
Willing to commit a few hours a week or month to staffing our front desk?
We would LOVE to have you as one of our Front Desk Volunteers! This is a fun and easy job, Answering phones, processing in-person donations, passing along messages, and welcoming people to NEIPJC. Volunteers commit to spending a few hours each week in our office, freeing NEIPJC’s staff to be out in the community, networking to bring events to the area, and being able to travel throughout the region spreading the word about NEIPJC’s important work.
Volunteer as Social Media Guru
Do you have a passion for utilizing the tools of social media to amplify an organization’s mission and purpose? Are graphics and color your thing?
We’d love to have some support in maintaining and growing our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter following. As you’ll likely know, working social media accounts is a full-time job in itself. Our Social Media Gurus help create, post, and share content that aligns with our mission, is fun and creative, and communicates the identity of NEIPJC and our work to the world.
Be an NEIPJC Ambassador
Already involved with Northeast Iowa Peace & Justice Center? Like what you’re reading here? We need you to spread the word across northeast Iowa. Tell people who we are, what we do, why we do it, and how we’re making a difference in the lives of our community members.
One of the ways we’re making a difference is through our Immigration Assistance Microloan program. To date, over $45,000 in assistance dollars has gone to the community through this revolving fund. WOW!
Have you been to Phelps Park in Decorah, Iowa lately? NEIPJC facilitated the installation of new trash receptacles made from recycled single-use plastic.
We’re also making a difference in the lives of Luther students through internships enabling them to gain real-world experience in the non-profit sector.
Things like this are why NEIPJC exists. And there is so much more to do. Through you, as Ambassadors, we can exponentially grow our reach and begin this work together!